Our Products

Knitted Elastic

Knitted Elastic Tape. Knitting elastics are extremely popular due to the lower cost. Elastic materials can also be personalized with stripes, patterns, and prints upon request.

Woven Elastic

>We are the leading manufacturer of woven elastic tapes on the Knit City of India. This type of elastic has an excellent quality, which in turn promotes its use in higher end applications. These elastic tapes are manufactured in different widths and different raw materials. Elastics can be created from Polyester yarn, Polypropylene yarn, Cotton yarn, Nylon yarn and High quality heat resistance rubber thread. Each material offers pros and cons including overall strength, stretch, and specific use environment.

Special Elastic

Resistant to chlorinated pool and salt water, skin care lotions and perspiration. Completely launder-able and long lasting. Thin / lightweight to lay flat. Non-shrinking and effective with most fabrics — will not stain or yellow fabrics with correct pH finish treatment. Excellent stretch and recovery. Specialized tapes offer cost competitive elastication for any application.

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Brushed Elastic

Satin Elastic

Frill Elastic

Rope Elastic

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